By tendering goods and personal effects for shipment via Forex eShip (“Company”) and its online order entry system, the Shipper agrees to the terms and conditions stated herein and the declarations of the Shipper submitted via the online order entry (“Invoice”) which are incorporated herein by reference. No agent or employee of “Company” or the Shipper may alter these terms and conditions.

    The Invoice is non-negotiable and the Shipper acknowledges that it has been prepared by the Shipper or by the Company on behalf of the Shipper. The Shipper warrants that it is the owner of the goods transported hereunder, or it is the authorized agent of the owner of the goods, and that it hereby accepts the Company terms and conditions for itself and as agent for and on behalf of any other person having interest in the shipment.

In addition, by signing this agreement, Shipper agrees to automatically opt-in with Forex to receive the following recurring messages through mail, email and SMS (message and data rates may apply):

(a) marketing updates, news and promotions;

(b) delivery update;

(c) Forex services verification code;

A Shipper can opt-out by (1) logging in to their existing online account (2) replying the keyword STOP or (3) contacting our Customer Success Team.

Information and updates will be sent to the Shipper with the contact information provided during registration in the following channels (1) Agent Box Pick-up (2) Online Registration and (3) Phone Call Registration via Customer Success Team. Visit our Privacy Policy page at https://forexeship.com/privacypolicy for more details.        

            For inquiries or assistance, our Customer Success Team can be reached at +1 (855) 77FOREX • +63 2 5317 8500 or at https://forexeship.com/contact-us/

    The Shipper warrants that each article in the shipment is properly described on this invoice and has not been declared by the Company to be unacceptable for transport, and that the shipment is properly marked and addressed and packed to ensure safe transportation with ordinary care in handling.      The Shipper hereby acknowledges that the Company may abandon and/or release any item consigned by the Shipper to the Company which the Company has declared to be unacceptable or which the Shipper has undervalued for Customs’ purposes or misdescribed hereon, whether intentionally or otherwise, without incurring any liability whatsoever to the Shipper and the Shipper will save and defend, indemnify and hold the Company harmless form all claims, damages, fines and expenses arising therefrom.The Shipper shall be liable for all costs and expenses related to the shipment and for costs incurred in either returning the shipment to the Shipper or warehousing the shipment pending disposition.Shipper further warrants that the addressee can be found and identified by agents of the company at the point of destination without extreme difficulty. If Company is unable, after exercising due diligence, to locate and identify the addressee of the cargo at the address indicated in the cargo box and shipping document, Company shall notify shipper of its inability to find the addressee. Company shall also notify Shipper of the location of the warehouse where the cargo is deposited. It shall then be the obligation of the Shipper to notify his/her addressee to claim the cargo at Company’s designated warehouse. If the addressee or Shipper does not claim the cargo at Company’s designated warehouse within six(6) months from the attempted delivery at the address indicated in the cargo box, Company shall have the right to dispose of the cargo in any manner it deems reasonable to cover its costs.


    The Company has the right, but not the obligation, to inspect any shipment including, without limitation, opening the shipment.


    The Company shall have a lien in any goods shipped for all freight charges, customs duties, advances or other charges of any kind arising out of the transportation hereunder and may refuse to surrender possession of the goods until such charges are paid.      In the event any check paid by Shipper to Company pursuant to this contract is returned by the bank unpaid for any reason, Company has the right to hold shipper’s cargo until shipper shall have fully paid his/her obligation herein. If full payment has not been received within six months from date of this contract, Company has the right to dispose of shipper’s cargo in any manner it deems reasonable to cover Shipper’s liabilities under this contract.


    The liability of the Company for any loss or damage to the shipment (which term shall include all goods and effects consigned to the Company under this Invoice) is limited to the lesser of:
    a. US$ 200.00 for regular and larger-size boxes; $100 for smaller-than-regular boxes; or,
    b. The actual verified amount of loss or damage to the goods and effects.

    The Company shall not be liable, in any event, for any consequential or special damages or other indirect loss, however arising whether or not the Company had knowledge that such damages might be incurred, including, but not limited to, loss of income, profits, interest, utility or loss of market.


    While the Company will endeavor to exercise its best efforts to provide expeditious delivery in accordance with regular delivery schedules, the Company WILL NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR DELAY IN PICKUP, TRANSPORTATION OR DELIVERY OF ANY SHIPMENT, REGARDLESS OF THE CAUSE OF SUCH DELAY.

Further, the Company shall not be liable for any loss, damage, misdelivery or nondelivery;

  1. a) due to act of God, force majeure occurrence or any cause reasonably beyond the control of the Company, or
  2. b) caused by;

(i) The act, default or omission of the Shipper, the Consignee or any other party who claims an interest in the shipment (including violation of any term or condition hereof), or of any person other than the Company or of any Customs or other Government officials, or of any Postal Service, forwarder of other entity or person to whom a shipment is tendered by the Company for transportation to any location not regularly served by the Company regardless of whether the Shipper requested or had knowledge of such third-party delivery arrangement;

(ii) The nature of the shipment or any defect, characteristic, or inherent vice thereof;

(iii) Electrical or magnetic injury, erasure, or other such damage to electronic or photographic images or recordings, in any form.

c.) Value of goods and personal effects not declared in Invoice.

  1. CLAIMS.
  2. a) Any claim must be brought by the Shipper and delivered in writing to the Company in the location within 30 days of the date of delivery to destination. No claim may be made outside of that time limit.
  3. b) No claim for loss or damage will be entertained until all transportation charges have been paid. The amount of any such claim may not be deducted from any transportation charges owed the Company
  4. c) When claims are paid, the Company will not reimburse the basic cost of shipment, pick-up and delivery.


    These terms and conditions shall apply to, and inure to the benefit of the Company and its authorized agents and affiliated companies, and their officers, directors and employees.
      The Company will not accept commercial goods (more than a dozen of any kind) and will not carry:

      (Categories of Prohibited Items)

      For Ocean Shipping:

      Car and motorcycle engines
      Drugs and other prohibited substances
      Explosives and Flammable materials
      Flammable items
      Gambling paraphernalia
      Gun parts and accessories (e.g. Reloaders)
      Jewelry (including Pandora charms, Swarovski)
      Lewd, obscene and pornographic materials
      Money orders
      Precious Metals
      Precious Stones (e.g. Diamonds, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald)
      Pressurized items (e.g. shock absorbers)
      Toy Guns
      Travelers’ checks

      For Air Shipping:

      Car and motorcycle engines
      Drugs and other prohibited substances
      Explosives and Flammable materials
      Flammable items
      Gambling paraphernalia
      Gun parts and accessories (e.g. Reloaders)
      Jewelry (including Pandora charms, Swarovski)
      Lewd, obscene and pornographic materials
      Lithium batteries (loose)
      Money orders
      Precious Metals
      Precious Stones (e.g. Diamonds, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald)
      Toy Guns
      Travelers’ checks

      1. Expenses incurred by the Company
        Any expenses incurred by the Company on behalf of Shippers including, but not limited to, taxes, interests, penalties, fines, surcharges, duties, etc., arising from non-declaration or misdeclaration shall be reimbursed or refunded by Shipper upon submission by the Company of proper proof or evidence for such expenses. In such an event, the Company is entitled to hold, retain or impound the shipment as surety for payment until said refund or reimbursement is fully satisfied.

      12. Privacy Policy
      Company respects the privacy of Shipper’s personal information and of the Consignee’s. Personal information is data that can be used to identify or contact a Shipper or Consignee. Shipper or Consignee may be asked to provide personal information anytime that the Shipper or Consignee is in contact with Forex eShip. Information may be collected when completing an invoice, when registering an account, when participating in a survey, when submitting information through Forex eShip website, Forex eShip apps and Forex eShip’s various customer communication platforms. Some types of information which may be collected include Shipper’s name, mailing address, phone number, email, credit card information; as well as Consignee’s name, delivery address, phone number, and email. Company may process the personal information of the Shipper or the Consignee to notify delivery status updates, to provide updates on Forex eShip’s latest announcements, to help create, develop and improve service offerings and advertising, and for loss prevention and anti-fraud purposes. If the Shipper or Consignee does not want to be included in Forex eShip’s mailing list, the Shipper or Consignee can opt-out anytime by sending an email to balikbayan@forexeship.com with the subject line ‘Opt-Out Forex eShip Updates’. Please read our Privacy Policy at https://forexeship.com/privacypolicy.